Free Blogger Templates :

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Selasa, 31 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Introducing, my new blogger template design, Reflection Blogger Template. Suitable for your artwork, artfolio, design portfolio blogs. Dominated black,white, and blue color, plus slide featured for showing your great artwork.

You can check preview and download this template

Installation Settings

Javascript Setting

Upload all javascript and image (I've attached on download folder) to your own hosting. This step to avoid bandwidth exceeded. Open Edit HTML, find javascript and image background code, edit and use your own link. Read this for your guide , How to Upload Javascript and image?

Javascript included

Automatic readmore script, JQuery Script, Glide Script

Navigation Menu Setting

Open Edit HTML, edit these code below

<div id='NavbarMenuleft'><ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Post RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Comments RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Login</a></li>

To add more link, add this code

<li><a href=''>YOUR-TEXT-MENU</a></li>

Glide Setting (Slide Show)

Open Page Element , click Edit on Glide Content Widget, and put this code below. You can put as many as you want, but it's suggested up to 6 image slide. If you want put two slide, just copy this code twice, want to put three slide copy it three times.

<div class="glidecontent">
<div class="glidim">
<a href="" title=""> <img width="150" alt="" src="" height="180"/> </a>
<div class="glidmeta">

<h2><a href="" title="Baby Blue">Baby Blue Template</a></h2>
Just like its name, this template is so cute. Suitable for your lovely baby blog. With pink and blue color, soft and smooth. Download it now.

<div class="gmore">
<a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a>

Replace red colored text with your own image URL

Replace blue colored text with your own post URL

Replace green colored text with your ownpost title

Replace yellow colored text with your ownpost (post summary)

I also offer paid footer link. Buying footer link is a cheaper and easier way than paid link to spread your link. What's the advantage? With reasonable price, you get unlimited link. Wanna buy footer link? Contact me at

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Sweet Cupcake

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Introducing my new blogger template design, Sweet Cupcake blogger template. As its name, Sweet Cupcake, is suitable for cake, cookies, food, or any recipe blog.

See unique header image like a cake menu on your bakery store. Cute navigation bar with cupcake, ice cream, chocolate cookie icon. Seems so delicious.

This template is cute and no need any difficult setting. If you want to set readmore on your post you can read this, automatic readmore. And if you want to set navigation menu bar, read this example.

Glad to receive any suggestion if any bug.


I also offer paid footer link. Buying footer link is a cheaper and easier way than paid link to spread your link. What's the advantage? With reasonable price, you get unlimited link. Wanna buy footer link? Contact me at

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Blogger Template : D'Bluez

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Here's my new design, D'Bluez Blogger Template, inspiring from FREEmium Wordpress Theme. Simply but elegant and unique. This template has two difference looks of main post. Click on post title, and you'll get two column looks.

Term of Use

- You may use, modify, but do not remove credit footer link
- You may redistribute it, but not allowed to add any link
- You may post it, in reminder give link back to original post

Installation Settings

Navigation Bar Menu

1. Open Layout>Edit HTML

2. Find this code below. Press Ctrl+F for easier search.

 <div id='NavbarMenuleft'><ul id='nav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Sample Page</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Sample Post</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Blog Page</a></li>

3. To add more link, add this code<li><a href=''>Text Menu</a></li>

Banner 125x125 Setting

1. Upload your banner size 125x125 pixel to your own imagehosting
2. Go to Edit HTML page. Find this code below
<div class='banner'>
<a href='' rel='' title=''><img alt=''

3. Change red color text to your own link
4. Change blue color text to your own image URL


How to Back Up Image and Javascript?

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

One day, when we open our blog and we see a terrible looks, all image is disappear and all script is not function why?For your information, if you were using free template, image and script is hosted on author's hosting. There's any probability for bandwidth exceeded, most common problem in free template. What is this? Hosting have certain bandwidth limit. If there are so many people use its link, it could be limit exceeded.

So how? Become a smart user, you have to backup image and script to your own hosting. How to? Here's how to for image back up.
  1. Open Edit HTML
  2. Search all background image url, usually have .jpg, .gif, .png extension
  3. Copy URL, go to address, and save image
  4. Upload image on your own hosting such as ,
  5. Copy URL image, replace all image URL on your template through Edit HTML, to your own URL image
Here's how to for script back up.
  1. Open Edit HTML
  2. Search all script url, usually have .js , .txt , .css extension
  3. Copy URL, go to address, and save script
  4. Upload image on your own hosting such as (for old gmail), , and another (just ask Google, he know everything)
  5. Copy script URL , replace all script URL on your template through Edit HTML, to your own script URL
I have to remind this a hundred times. Because of most people still face this problem. Designer spent many time makes template free, so help them by maintaining your own template.

Sign Up for free now, and save your file.

Blogger Template : Business Ads Ready

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Business Ads Ready Blogger Template is suitable for business blog. You can read description and demo on Business ads Ready Intro.
Here's download file. I've attached image and javascript, remember to upload to your own hosting. This step to avoid bandwidth exceeded. I've insert installation setting, read it carefully before you ask any quetsion.


If your readmore doesn't work, you can download this javascript, and upload to your own hosting. Replace readmore script to your URL, How to? Read Here

download readmore javascript
download ddsmooth javascript
download jquery javascript
download image


Keep intact credit footer link. You are allowed to distribute but not allowed to add any link.

Introducing : Business Ads Ready Blogger Template

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Introducing my new blogger template design, Business Ads Ready blogger template. As its name, this template ready for adsense. You can check demo or screenshoot. There's four section for placing adsense code set through page element. It's really easy to customize.

At right top section, you can place your adsense 468x60, suitable for image type. Check featured post. You can place your best post, and put your adsense code. I recommend image adsense because it will appear like image post. Under navigation menu, you can set adsense list that will appear like menu.

Your blog will appear neat because of automatic readmore function. No need another tag, just write your post and it will be cut and display thumbnail automatically (if you insert image)

You can DOWNLOAD .

Featured :

  1. Three column at lower section
  2. Automatic readmore function
  3. Breadcumb navigation
  4. Smooth navigation menu (using javascript)
  5. Easy customize adsense section
  6. Banner 125x125 section
  7. Featured post, that you can wrap your adsense
  8. Header logo

P.S :

I also offer footer link. Why I should buy footer link? That's a cheaper and easier way to spread your link. What's the advantage? With reasonable price, you get unlimited link.

Wanna buy footer link? Contact me at

Launch My New Domain

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar


Say thanks to all of you for visiting and using my template. Now I decide to use my new domain,
Don't worry, if you type my old URL address it will be redirected to my new domain. I will appreciate if you don't mind to change my credit footer link to
Thanks for any critic, suggestion, and support.

Now my new domain is activated.


Senin, 09 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Just as its name, Shoppaholic Blogger template, dedicated to girl/woman who love shopping. The template feature, girlie image header and lower section. No need complicated setting, you can customize navigation menu to your own link.

Template name : Shoppaholic

Best Viewed on : IE 8, Opera, Firefox, Seamonkey, Safari

Remind to keep the footer link intact, I allow user donate me and contact me to remove my footer link, with the reminder that you cannot distribute the template without author's footer link.


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Automatic Thumbnail and Readmore Function

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Readmore function is used to cut our post on homepage, post will appear fully when we click readmore link. You can see my post on homepage. It's cut automatically and if we insert image, it appears thumbnail. This is automatic readmore function with thumbnail. We just need to set up our HTML code. How to?

1. Go to "Layout" click "Edit HTML"
2. Tick on "Expand Widget Templates"
3. Find </head> code
4. Insert this javascript under </head> code

<script type='text/javascript'>var thumbnail_mode = &quot;no-float&quot; ;
summary_noimg = 430;
summary_img = 340;
img_thumb_height = 100;
img_thumb_width = 120;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Note :

You can cutomize this size

summary_noimg = 430; is post cut height without image
summary_img = 340; is post cut height with image
img_thumb_height = 100; is thumbnail image height
img_thumb_width = 120; is thumbnail image width

5. Find this code


6. Replace with this code below

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;);</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'><a expr:href='data:post.url'> read more &#8220;<data:post.title/>&#8221;</a></span>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

7. Save

Now you can try to post and it cut automatically.

Note :

Please save javascript , here's the URL,, upload to your own filehosting. I can't guarantee if my bandwidth exceeded :D

or download readmore-otomatis-script here

After upload script to your own hosting, replace to your own URL javascript
Source : Kang Jaloee Punya

Green Scrapbook Diary

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Do you love scrapbooking? Looking for scrapbook template for your blog? I guess this is your right template. Green Scrapbook Diary wordpress theme is designed by Kathie and Andrew from Simply WP . I just convert it to blogger and make a lil bit customization. Kathie & Andrew have spent many time to make it free, keep intact their credit footer.

No complicated setting. To edit navigation bar menu, go to page element, edit link list at top bar.


Baby Cute

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Do you have a baby? Maybe you want to put baby picture on blog. Or you have baby clothes business? I thinks this template is suitable too, Baby Cute Blogger Template. No complicated setting requierement, you just need to set navigation bar. Baby Cute for Blogspot Template, all image is created as Vector Graphic. If you need SVG file, you can contact me.


Simplicity 4 Column

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009 | 0 komentar

Simplicity 4 Column Blogger Template, have 4 column at mainpage and become 3 column when you click the post. Simple, have no many image, do not worry about heavy loading. From Minima Template, default blogger template and converted to 4 column by Kang Jaloee. I just make a lil bit customization ;) , thanks for not removing credit footer. This template is suitable for news blog, you can put feed, blog list, on sidebar, just like news portal.
Here's the screenshoot.

[preview] | [download]

Automatic Change Font Widget

| 0 komentar

There's an easy way to change font type and size on main post. You can try here . When you change font option, main post font will change automatically.

How to?
  1. Go to layout > Page Element
  2. Add HTML widget on your sidebar element
  3. Paste this HTML code and save

function go1(){
if (document.selecter2.select2.options
[document.selecter2.select2.selectedIndex].value != "none") {

function go2(){
if (document.selecter2.select3.options
[document.selecter2.select3.selectedIndex].value != "none") {
<form id="forma" name="selecter2" method="POST">

<select onchange="go2()" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt" name="select3" size="1">
<option value="Times New Roman"/>Times New Roman
<option value="Arial"/>Arial
<option selected value="Book Antiqua"/>Book Antiqua
<option value="Bookman Old Style"/>Bookman Old Style
<option value="Century Gothic"/>Century Gothic
<option value="Comic Sans Ms"/>Comic Sans Ms
<option value="Tahoma"/>Tahoma
<option selected value="Trebuchet Ms"//>Trebuchet Ms
<option value="Verdana"/>Verdana
<select onchange="go1()" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt" name="select2" size="1">
<option value="8px"/>8
<option value="9px"/>9
<option value="10px"/>10
<option value="11px"/>11
<option selected value="12px"/>12
<option value="14px"/>14
<option value="16px"/>16
<option value="18px"/>18

It's work? No? You should check your template code. Maybe there's any specific setting on post, example

.post {
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc;
font-type:arial, verdana;
Remove it.

You can add font type as many as you want, just edit the code. Translate for you from here
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