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Google Spreadsheet Creating sums based on adjacent cell criteria

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar


( by MikeHardt )


I am unable to solve a spreadsheet issue.  My goal is to write a formula that will average cells that meet a specific coded criteria.  I have coded a list of questions by an alphanumeric scheme.  There are 49 possible combinations (1-7; a-g)  e.g.,  Q#1; why is the sky blue?; code = 5e questions, Q#2 why is water wet?; code = 5e, Q#3 who let the dogs out?; code = 1a.  Each question has an attached percent correct value (p-value) that I want to add up by its coded criteria and find the average. e.g., 5e Q#1(.80) + Q#2(.90) = avg. .85.  I tried using a =LOOKUP formula, but it would only look up the first value that met the coding criteria.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

A                     B                                  C                                         D
Coding             Percent Correct              Question Number                  Question
5e                    .80                                1                                 Why is the sky blue?             
5e                    .90                                2                                 Why is water wet?
1a                    .98                                3                                 Who let the dogs out?
3a                    .72                                4                                          

How is toothpaste made?

Code           Average
5e                .85
1a                .98
3a                .72

Additionally, if anyone knows a way in which I could aggregate coding from separate columns that could then be searched and averaged, that would be fantastic.  Thank you in advance for taking a look at this questions and providing some direction, or better yet a solution set-up.

A                B                  C                    D
criteria A     criteria 1        % Correct        Question
5                 e                  .80                   Q#1
5                 e                  .90                   Q#2
1                 a                  .98                   Q#3
3                 a                  .72                   Q#4


Code           Average
5e                .85
1a                .98
3a                .72


Here is the screenshot for the spreadsheet containing the provided data (first part of question) :

Try this for your first part of question:
=QUERY(A:B;"select A,avg(B) group by A order by A desc label A 'Code', avg(B) 'Average'")

Put the above formulas in Cell F1 as shown in the above screenshot.

/////////// AND NOW THE SECOND PART OF THE QUESTION /////////////

Here is the screenshot for the spreadsheet containing the provided data (second part of question) :

Here is the formula for the solution for part two of the question:
=QUERY(arrayformula(IF({1,0};arrayformula(A:A&B:B);IF({0,1};C:C)));"select Col1,avg(Col2) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1 order by Col1 desc label Col1 'Code', avg(Col2) 'Average' ";1)

Put the above formulas in Cell F1 as shown in the above screenshot.

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

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