The newly available datasets are:
- The Etiological and Prospective Family Study in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Baseline Data, 1990-2011 from the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR), containing data from a survey of 775 families affected by substance use disorder (SUD).
- Older Drug Users: A Life Course Study of Turning Points in Drug Use, 2009-10 from Kennesaw State University in Georgia, consisting of data from a mixed-method, retrospective longitudinal study of 92 respondents in a large southeastern metropolitan area.
- Addiction Health Evaluation and Disease (AHEAD) Management Study in Boston, 2006-2010, Boston Medical Center, containing data from a survey of more than 600 adults with alcohol or drug dependence.
- The Chicago Male Drug Use and Health Survey, 2002-2003, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, consisting of data from a survey of more than 200 gay men in Chicago related to club drugs such as MDMA, Ketamine, GHB, and Rohypnol.
Datasets from the Oregon Youth Substance Abuse Project at the Oregon Research Institute will be released later this year.
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