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Babies Fashionistas Blog Template

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar

At last, a baby blog design after many cake and cookies blog order. Babies Fashionistas is fashion baby online shop blog owned by Janete from Brazil. I choose baby blue and pink color. Actually choosing color is hard part of designing. I can spend one day only for choosing match color haha. The next hard thing is choosing font. Really. But the best part is if the client love the design. Priceless.

Check the preview of Babies Fashionistas blog.

Benvista PhotoZoom Pro MultiLingual Portable PreActivated

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar - Benvista PhotoZoom Pro MultiLingual Portable adalah software photo tools yang digunakan untuk memperbesar sebuah gambar tanpa membuatnya terpecah. Sebenarnya bukannya tidak terpecah, namun dengan Benvista PhotoZoom Pro MultiLingual Portable ini pecahan menjadi halus dan gambar juga tetap jelas.


  • The latest S-Spline interpolation algorithms
  • Higher quality image enlargements & higher quality downsizing
  • Advanced fine-tuning tools: create your own presets & save them for later
  • Reduction of (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise
  • Batch processing
  • Multi-processor support
  • Works as stand-alone application, as well as Automation plug-in and Export plug-in for Photoshop
  • Extreme enlargements: up to 1 million by 1 million pixels!
  • Extensive support for high-end images

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Download Benvista PhotoZoom Pro MultiLingual Portable PreActivated

Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Serial

| 0 komentar - Advanced SystemCare kembali rilis versi terbarunya yaitu Advanced SystemCare Pro Final. Advanced SystemCare Pro Final adalah Software Utilities yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja PC dengan cara membersihkan registry, menghapus file corrupt, menghilangkan shortcut rusak dan lain-lain. Software ini adalah salah satu program utilities terbaik

Key features:

  • Increase system performance and reliability
  • Powerful defragmentation and optimization of hard disk drives
  • Cleaning and optimizing the system registry
  • Works automatically in the background
  • System protection against spyware and malware
  • Fast and thorough cleaning hard drives from garbage
  • Improving the performance of your PC
  • Correction of a number of system errors
  • Multilingual user interface, including the Russian language

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Download Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Serial

Update PES 6 17 Oktober 2012

| 0 komentar

A team led by Paches to Pes6 Smk9, has just launched the third series of his patch ...
Special version

In this third version being launched on 16/10/2012 ... several changes occurred:

  No Uniforms and Club Picks Updated 2012-2013
No Leagues Updated to Date 16/10/2012
Several of Faces and Hair's Contained in All Clubs
Fans of more realistic with their cries configured
No uniforms Referees Upgraded
º And many other changes ...

Inquire Before the Official Patch No Narration - A Narration It is Criterion who plays the game.

Now Let the previews will look like the game (Pes6), after installing the patch ... :


Agora vamos aos Download's 

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Notepad ++ 6.2 Free

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar - Notepad + + adalah source code editor (dan pengganti Notepad) dengan dukungan sintaks untuk bahasa pemrograman banyak, berjalan di sistem operasi MS Windows.

Perubahan dalam versi 6.2:

  • Penyorotan sintaks dapat lebih didefinisikan.
  • Mendukung kata kunci multipart.
  • Spasi tidak lagi wajib sebagai pemisah kata kunci.
  • Pengenalan nomer yang meningkat.
  • Operator dan pembatas bisa lebih dari satu karakter.
  • Karakter yang sama dapat digunakan sebagai komentar DAN operator.
  • Komentar dan pembatas mendukung bersarang.
  • Improvments Komentar (komentar lipat, kelanjutan komentar ... dll).
  • Dalam kasus pasang komentar beberapa didefinisikan, komentar simbol terbuka hanya cocok dengan komentar simbol dekat urutan yang sama.

Password :

New Releases through 2012-10-14

| 0 komentar

Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of
released data collections that have been updated:

New Additions

Note: Additional SAMHDA studies may be available though they are not listed in this email/web
site announcement.

Google Spreadsheet formula to convert time in mm-ss

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar


( by CC Coach )

I'm using Chrome on a Mac. 

I have a spreadsheet I'm using for all of my cross country athletes' data. I enter their race times and get their paces calculated. Now I'm trying to crunch some numbers but running into trouble. 

I'm working specifically with mile paces (everything is under 9:00/mile)

1. First of all, I wish I could use a m:ss format easily. But that format is not built-in right now. It's a little maddening, because it's easy to do in Excel and Numbers. I want paces to come out as 6:06. I really don't want 06:06 and definitely not 0:06:00 or 6:06:00. For now, I'm using a time format (15:59 choice) and it works. 

2. My biggest problem is I want to do some calculations and projections based on difficulty of course. I'm trying to take a bunch of paces for lots of runners and do things like add 8 seconds to get a projection for another course. I get a parse error if I do something like d6+:08. It will work if I format all cells as plain text and enter my times like 6.06 and then use my formula as d6+.08. But then I have to retype all the times I copied from my other sheets since they are all in 6:06 format. 

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Screenshot of the Spreadsheet:

Format all your cells as Plain Text, in which you have put the values as mm:ss and then put the values. And also format the cells in which you want the results as mm:ss

Format your Cell D6 as Plain Text and then put in the value as mm:ss format.
Now, if your Cell D6 is having value 6:06
and you want to add 8 seconds to it,
then put the following formula in Cell D20:

=IF(MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(D6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")+8;60)>9;ROUNDDOWN((QUERY(SPLIT(D6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")+8)/60)&":"&MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(D6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")+8;60);ROUNDDOWN((QUERY(SPLIT(D6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")+8)/60)&":0"&MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(D6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")+8;60))

So now Cell D20 will have the result as 6:14

I have marked the +8 in yellow so that you can easily modify it when you need to add more or less than 8 seconds

Your Cell E6 is having value 5:47
And now if you want to subtract 8 seconds from Cell E6
then put the following formula in Cell E20

=IF(MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(E6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")-8;60)>9;ROUNDDOWN((QUERY(SPLIT(E6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")-8)/60)&":"&MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(E6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")-8;60);ROUNDDOWN((QUERY(SPLIT(E6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")-8)/60)&":0"&MOD(QUERY(SPLIT(E6;":");"select ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) label ((Col1*60)+(Col2)) '' ")-8;60))

So now Cell E20 will have the result as 5:39

And similarly you can manipulate any of the cell and convert it to mm:ss format.

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

I also take up private or confidential projects:

If this blog post was helpful to you, and if you think you want to help me too and make my this blog survive then please donate here: 


cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2000 Full Crack

| 0 komentar - jika kemarin saya sempat share cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 1997 Beta, nah sekarang cfosspeed mengeluarkan versi terbaru nih, yaitu cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2000, yang merupakan sebuah aplikasi untuk membantu mempercepat akses internet dan menstabilkan koneksi internet anda.


  • cFosSpeed ​​mencegah satu aplikasi (misalnya email pengiriman) oleh orang lain, seperti panggilan telepon, chatting, dll
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  • Real-time analisis data Anda: Dengan jendela status baru Anda dapat dengan mudah mengenali mana data stream yang sedang mentransfer.
  • cFosSpeed ​​berjalan dengan DSL, kabel, WLAN, CDMA2000, UMTS, WCDMA, Modem, ISDN, broadband mobile (2G / 3G).

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Eset nod32 username and password 2012/10/14

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Password : 67rm34f2ku
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Password : xphcv5shua
Expired Date : 2012-12-29

Expire:03-01-2013 2013 Patch 2.0

| 0 komentar - ini dia yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu, akhirnya Patch 2.0 keluar juga. pada patch 2.0 terbaru ini PESEdit menambahkan Fitur DLC 2.0 dari KONAMI, serta transfer musim ini yang sudah komplit dan benar

New Features:
  • DLC: Added DLC 2.0 (summer transfers + boots)
  • Faces: More than 250 new faces (including Özil, Schürrle), total of more than 430 new faces
  • Kits: Aston Villa, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Newcastle, Norwich, Reading, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, West Ham, Wigan
  • Transfers: Complete transfers (DLC 2.0), also added some missing transfers such as Boruc + some players like Beckham and Henry
Password :
Download Patch 2.0 PES 2013
Part 1 (Uploading...)| Part 2 (sharebeast)
Part 1 | Part 2 (am4share)
bagi yang pake koneksi pas-pasan, saya sediakan part yang lebih kecil (150mb/file)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Google Spreadsheet formula to Concatenating columns from query results

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012 | 0 komentar


( by christopher.r.haley )

I sell items on eBay and log them in google spreadsheet.  I'd like to see which weekday is the best day for me in terms of when I make a sale.  In order to do this I have a column where I log the date a sale was made.  For a short example, assume this is my data (2nd column in the formulate below is necessary because you can't aggregate and non-aggregate on the same column in the SELECT query:


I then have a query to determine which day I sell the most on:

=ArrayFormula(Query((A:B),"SELECT dayOfWeek(Col1), COUNT(Col2) WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY dayOfWeek(Col1) Label dayOfWeek(Col1) 'DoW', COUNT(Col2) 'Occurances'"))

This gives me the following:

DoW | Occurances
2 | 1
3 | 2
5 | 1

What I want to see is something like this:

DoW (Occurances)
2 (1)
3 (2)
5 (1)

Essentiall, I'd like to concatenate the columns from the query's results. Better yet I'd like the DoW to be the 3 letter representation for the weekday (i.e. 2 = "Mon", 3 = "Tue", 5 = "Thu"). I know I can do all of this with multiple rows/columns and either hide them or use another sheet. However, I would LOVE to do it all in one call, if possible.


If you are having the dates in Column A:


Then put the following formula in some other column, like in Column B:

=arrayformula(concat(concat(concat(query(ArrayFormula(Query(IF({1,1};IF(A:A="";"";TEXT(A:A;"DDD"))),"SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 Label Col1 'DoW', COUNT(Col2) 'Occurances'"));"select Col1");" (");query(ArrayFormula(Query(IF({1,1};IF(A:A="";"";TEXT(A:A;"DDD"))),"SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 Label Col1 'DoW', COUNT(Col2) 'Occurances'"));"select Col2"));")"))

The output of the above formula would be:
DoW (Occurances)
Mon (1)
Thu (1)
Tue (2)

And if you want the output in Ascending order of days, that is Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday and so on... then try the following formula:
=arrayformula(concat(concat(concat(TEXT(query(ArrayFormula(query(ArrayFormula(Query(IF({1,1};A:A),"SELECT dayOfWeek(Col1), COUNT(Col2) WHERE Col1 is not null GROUP BY dayOfWeek(Col1) order by dayOfWeek(Col1) Label dayOfWeek(Col1) 'DoW', COUNT(Col2) 'Occurances'"));"select Col1"));"select Col1");"DDD");" (");query(ArrayFormula(Query(IF({1,1};A:A),"SELECT dayOfWeek(Col1), COUNT(Col2) WHERE Col1 is not null GROUP BY dayOfWeek(Col1) order by dayOfWeek(Col1) Label dayOfWeek(Col1) 'DoW', COUNT(Col2) 'Occurances'"));"select Col2"));")"))

The output of the above formula would be:

DoW (Occurances)
Mon (1)
Tue (2)
Thu (1)

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

I also take up private or confidential projects:

If this blog post was helpful to you, and if you think you want to help me too and make my this blog survive then please donate here: 


Google Spreadsheet formula to track YouTube views

| 0 komentar


( by 
DigitalSauce )

Hello, Currently I am helping a friend track his YouTube views using a google doc. I want to automate this process by having a script grab this line of code:
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#cccccc"><font color="green">+4,677</font><br><font color="green">+140,303</font> <br></td>
This line of code displays how many views a day he is getting(4,677) per the site: This line of code also displays the views gotten per month (140,303) How ever I need the script to be able to just grab the socialblade URL from the cell next to it, so in turn I can track multiple channels on the same forum. I would like for it to update its self daily.Can anyone help me with this?

More info: 
Url will be in cell: G*
Views a day in cell: H*
Views a Month in cell: I*
(*any number)


Put the following link (URL) in the Cell G2:

Put the following formula in the cell where you want to get the (average of last 30 days) Views:
=Query(SPLIT(Query(transpose(ImportHtml(G2;"table";0));"select Col34 where Col2 = 'Video Views'");Char(10));"select Col1")

Put the following formula in the cell where you want to get the (average) views for month:
=Query(SPLIT(Query(transpose(ImportHtml(G2;"table";0));"select Col34 where Col2 = 'Video Views'");Char(10));"select Col2")

And if you wish to get the "Views" and "Views a Month" in adjacent cells then you can get both values using the following single formula:
=SPLIT(Query(transpose(ImportHtml(G2;"table";0));"select Col34 where Col2 = 'Video Views'");Char(10))

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

I also take up private or confidential projects:

If this blog post was helpful to you, and if you think you want to help me too and make my this blog survive then please donate here: 

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